A family member told me that.
I was a bit triggered at first. I was raised to follow the straight and narrow. My childhood survival fears sounded the alarm that I was going to be cast out for not following the rules, for being weird. For being me.
The straight and narrow has never been me. Years of going to war with myself, letting my fears keep me on the rails never changed that. I just bruised myself trying.
Rails- Straight, narrow. Full steam ahead in one direction. Traversing a terrain that is infinitely expansive in all directions but only sees one. A one dimensional journey in a five dimensional universe.
The 5th dimension. The super-conscious. AKA God, Source, Universe- ME. YOU. WE. It contains infinite outcomes- everything that has been created and everything that can be created. And what we can co-create in it.
Imagine dumping your past hurts and bringing to your relationships the power of knowing that you can create what you would love to experience.
Imagine being the creator of what you want in all of it- your relationship with money, your work, your art, your life.
Imagine dumping the limitations of your past identity. Which was wrong in the first place.
But you gotta buckle up. Your fears live in the lower dimensions and contain your past experiences. And you make decisions for your future based on identifying as the person who had those experiences. Trying to solve tomorrow's problems with yesterday's tools. Because we can't see the 5th dimension. And we only know what we know.
Until we decide that we don't need to know.
Because the universe of infinite possibilities means submitting to the unknown. It can imagine more possibilities for you that you ever can. It is shedding the identity of who you think you are to discover who you really are. Which is infinitely creative.
And that means playing in the 5th dimension. It means stepping off the rails. Into a your potential. And your true identity as a co-creator with the Universe.
The family member who told me I was off the rails gets it. She is off the rails, too. She never, ever tried to squeeze herself onto the rails. She is the one I helped create when I birthed her into this world.