This world, coded in the Masculine powers of action-taking, producing, achieving, proving our worth- all important and intrinsically good- does not value the creative power of our Feminine codes.
Because our Feminine power is not about DOING anything. Our Feminine power is BEING. And it is powerfully creative.
Imagine your inner Feminine as a sacred garden, overflowing with beauty:
An inner sanctuary that holds all that you love and that lights you up, just by being there.
A place where you go to relax and renew, and to deeply connect with your truth and love.
A place where you nourish the seedlings of your desire and what you want to birth into the world.
A place that is a womb of your creations.
A place where you do not “work the problem” of "how", but where all you have to do is feel yourself is your present moment.
Where all you have to do is BE.
You have your sacred garden now. You were born with it.
It lives in your feeling body, and not in your problem-solving mind.
Your body knows what you love, what lights you up, what pleases you, nourishes you, what is good for you and what you need and desire. And you find it all by going deeply into silent mediation and attuning to the wisdom that has always been there.
For so many of us high-functioning, acheiving women, that can sound like a waste of our productive time. "If I am going to spend time doing nothing, I need have something material to show for it."
That is not the way Feminine power creates.
Your sacred garden is quiet and still but for the whispers of the truth of your knowing and your longing that you can only hear when you close it's gate behind you to block out the demands of the world.
Your sacred garden is where you get to rest and wait for your desires to grow and ripen.
It is where you reconnect with what you love, desire and how you want you life and relationships to feel.
Where you to attune to the subtle signs all around you of what you know in your body is true for you that you miss when you are focused on producing.
These whispers, these knowings in your body are your sacred ingredients for creating the life you love.
So sit quietly in the beauty of your sacred garden. Nourish its growth with the warm light of your love and gratitude. Put a golden fence around it to keep out the questions of “how”, and to keep out anyone and anything out that would bring their bulldozer to your garden to arrange it to their liking- or defoul it. Hang a sign on the gate that says, “Invitation only. Please stay on the path.”
And when the seeds of your desire bloom and becomes known to you, and you are ready to give birth to it, call in your masculine power- your Masculine Champion within- all turned on by feeling the desire of your Feminine within. Call in your inner Masculine powertools of your problem-solving logical mind, your talent, your acquired skills and knowledge to create the processes and structures that will bring your desire to life in the world.
Your Masculine power is the “How”.
But your Feminine power is the “What and why.”
In the words of Gillian Pothier, “The Masculine leads, but the Feminine goes first.”