My most creative and inspired time is early morning.
I wake up full of ideas to create. I want to grab my coffee and my laptop and create RIGHT NOW. And I often do.
I am blessed with both the strong creative inspiration of my feminine and the mighty productive creator of my masculine. And when those energies are dancing in balance, creating feels like flow and is so much fun.
Yet, if I am not mindful, my masculine will slowly begin to man-spread, leaving less room for my feminine inspiration which initiated my masculine's actions in the first place. If I am not mindful, my masculine can leave my feminine behind, and ignore my discomfort, disconnect from my passion, and prioritize the "how" over the "why", the "doing" over "being". Before I know it, it's three in the afternoon and I haven't moved from my desk, moved my body, or even brushed my teeth.
Because my masculine creative dance partner has morphed into its unhealthy shadow- the bully. The bully form of my masculine "mind" does not honor and serve the needs and desires of my feminine "body", forcing me to work in discomfort.
Although I begin most days feeling so inspired to start creating, I am deciding that I will dedicate ample time in my mornings nourishing my feminine inspiration first- time to feel my body, create space for desires and intuition, and quiet for the voice of my soul- the very generators of my creativity.
Loosening the controlling grip of my masculine producer is hard. It loves to run. But it must know what it is running towards or my running will feel scattered and unfocused. And to know what I am running towards is to know what I want and how I want to feel.
As my amazing teacher, Gillian Pothier, has a saying, "The masculine leads, but the feminine goes first."
The masculine is the "how", and the feminine is the "why".
That is what the creative power couple looks like in the world and within ourselves.