I'm learning as I go just like everyone else, and I don't always practice what I preach.
But I when I do, it works.
I began on Friday night treating myself to the Lusio creative interactive light show
on a sweet country farm and danced until almost midnight under the stars.
For the next two days, I visited many beloved friends and made exciting new connections.
I treated my senses to great food, the beautiful scenery of the Kitsap peninsula,
and basked in the feeling of the warmth of the sun and softness of the breeze on my skin- and the cold contrast of Puget Sound but only up to my knees!
In short, I gave myself pleasure.
I woke up this morning feeling revitalized, refreshed, my body enlivened, my creativity lit up and my inspiration humming.
I have learned that there is a big difference between our regular, have-to, need-to, got-to productivity- which we have become really impressive at- and INSPIRED productivity.
There is nothing inherently wrong with have-to.
As adults we know how to power through our discomfort, to achieve, and perform.
But I notice a difference in the energy I bring to my work when I devotedly treat myself to experiences that my heart and my body and my soul love.
When do, I awaken the creative parts of my brain.
I feel more inspired, and motivated to create.
I see more creative solutions for a better experiences in my work,
relationship, art and life.
How do you attain the energy of inspired productivity?
By giving yourself the experiences that you love.
Pleasure is something that, when you give it yourself,
gives you the experience of being loved, accepted and cared for.
Just like in a loving relationship, except this loving relationship is with YOU.
And when you feel loved, accepted and cared for,
you feel more free to bring your needs, your desires, you inspiration,
your ideas, your creativity- your wholeness-
to your life, your relationships and your work.
You bring more YOU.
And that serves others, too.
The “Masculine” world says,
“Work before pleasure.”
But the “Feminine” knows-
“I contribute my best gifts from a well-nourished, heart, body and soul.”
Your pleasure IS productive.